About us

About Us

A  range of discounts are available to  members from a selection of associate members. 

About Us

Established in 2009, the Association of Green Funeral Directors has four main objectives.

To enable funeral directors (FD's) to better position themselves to attract the increasing numbers of people seeking green products and services whilst adopting more green practices in more aspects of their work.

To help members of the public find funeral homes in their area which are willing to provide more sustainable and 
eco-friendly options in the funerals they carry out.

To encourage and reward innovative green working practices within the funeral industry. 

To hold the yearly Good Funeral Awards which recognise all those in the industry who are offering the best service and/or products to their customers. The first awards ceremony was held in 2019 and has now become a major industry awards ceremony alongside a bi-annual exhibition. This year's awards will be held at the National Space Centre in Leicester. To find out more click here

A dedicated team and members, to assist you with any questions you may have about the funeral industry.



Associate Members 






Meet Our Team

William Wainman

President of the AGFD

Holly Lyon-Hawke

Committee Member

Holly Lyon-Hawk is a multi-award winning holistic funeral director as well as an end of life Doula for both people and pets. Along with her own freelance work Holly has founded DIY Funerals UK with a vision to help bring a more holistic, person centred approach to supporting families in caring for their dead and creating beautiful family led funerals. Holly has also founded Pet End of Life Support, PELS to help pet and pet owners have a more positive experience at the end of their pets life. Holly has represented both the Good Funeral Guide and End of Life Doula UK in discussions with the government regarding best funeral practice. 


Christopher Doggett Dip.F.D.

Committee Member

Christopher is Managing Director of The Natural Burial Company and organiser of the annual Prestwold Hall Bereavement Awareness Day. He has worked in funeral service for over 35 years and is a qualified funeral director. Christopher is dedicated to creating awareness of environmentally friendly funeral services, supporting the bereaved, and alleviating funeral poverty.

Committee Member

FSJ (Funeral Service Journal) Denise Walker & Russ Bravo

Funeral Service Journal (FSJ) is the independent monthly magazine (+ digital channels) for the funeral sector. Nicknamed ‘the industry bible’ we have been publishing since 1886, and look to cover the funeral profession across the board, from independents to groups, crematoria to suppliers, celebrants to florists and more. We take a particular interest in how the funeral world can become more environment-friendly, from natural burial grounds to new developments in sustainable practices, and our team helps behind the scenes with the Good Funeral Awards.

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