Membership Benefits/Joining Us

Membership Benefits/Joining Us

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The Cardboard Coffin Company 5%

Earth to Heaven 5%

Parley Green 5%

Ecoffins 8%

The Green Coffin Company 5%

Down to Earth Coffins 5%

Somerset Eco Coffins 5%

Bellacouch 5%

Ecological Coffins 5%

Wegnalls Willow Coffins 5%

The Woollen Shroud Co. 20%

Hope & Glory Flower Company 5%

Kemlo & Kemlo 5%

Longfield Flowers 5%

The Spotted Dog Flower Co. 5%

Oversley Flowers 5%

Fig & Bramble 5%

Galloway Flowers 5%

The Ledbury Flower Farmer 5%

Flowers from the Farm 5%

Sweet Cicely Flowers 5%

Tuckshop Flowers 5%

Woodchurch Cottage Flowers 5%

Wild & Unruly Florist 5%

Wye Valley Flowers 5%

Earth Blooms 5%

Flowers from the Mountain 5%

Greenery Flowers 5%

Flowers from No.8 5%

The AA (Automobile Association)  UK Business Breakdown Cover 35%

Drivetech  ( Driver training from the AA) 5%

Naked Paper 5%

The Sign Maker 10%

Stoneletters 5%


Ashes to Blooms 5%

FIT Social Media 5%

White Balloon 5%

Flourishh by 2H 5%

Above & Beyond Funerals Ltd (Land Rover) 5%

Sophie Hadley Marketing 6%

The Farewell Flowers Directory 5%

Digital Gravestones 10%

The London Funeral Singers 5%

Digitalll 5%

Funeral Print Service 5%

Nell Brooker 5%

Laura Duncan Celebrant 5%

AGFD Associate Sponsors

Loop Biotech B.V. - The loop Living Cocoon™

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